The CeraVe journey commenced in 2005 when experts observed a commonality among various skin conditions, including acne, eczema, psoriasis, and dry skin: a compromised skin barrier. Developed in collaboration with dermatologists, CeraVe presents a comprehensive range of skincare products, featuring three vital ceramides bolstered by an innovative delivery system designed to aid in the restoration of the skin’s innate protective barrier.
Science That Goes Skin Deep
The inception of CeraVe can be attributed to the development of skin-identical ceramides combined with MultiVesicular Emulsion Technology (MVE). CeraVe stands as the exclusive line of skincare products infused with a distinctive fusion of three essential ceramides, complemented by our patented MVE Technology. This groundbreaking approach gradually dispenses our ceramide-enriched formula over an extended period.
Picture MVE as a spherical structure with multiple layers that slowly dissolve, meticulously releasing its beneficial ingredients into your skin. Even after application, our product remains active, providing day-long hydration in just a single use. This innovative system, paired with our unique blend of skin-identical ceramides, plays a pivotal role in replenishing your skin’s existing ceramides, mitigating dryness by curbing moisture loss, enhancing hydration, and contributing to the restoration of your skin’s protective barrier.
Dermatologist Recommended Skincare
CeraVe proudly stands as the preeminent choice of skincare brand, acclaimed and trusted by dermatologists. Our extensive range caters to a diverse spectrum of skin types and needs. Whether you seek gentle solutions for sensitive, control for oily or acne-prone skin, harmony for combination or the essentials for normal skin, require a nurturing moisturizer for your precious little one, grapple with specific skin concerns such as eczema or psoriasis, or yearn for the rejuvenation provided by a hydrating serum or anti-aging cream, CeraVe is your unwavering ally in the pursuit of radiant and healthy skin.